Saturday, February 8, 2014

Day 8 - Psalms 36-40

Psalm 36:

When I was a little boy I was lucky enough to grow up in an area that had a creek running through it.  I loved to play in the creek!  Just to be clear, when I say play in the creek - I mean play IN the creek.  The creek bed was made of black clay, which was perfect for squishing between my fingers, for making mud balls, mud pies, mud anything I could imagine!  I would pull up a bunch of clay mud and roll around in my hands or pat into a shape.  You could make clay pots with stuff - it was cool!  I had SO much fun!!  But when I walked home I started to realize how dirty I was...  not the first few hundred times... but after a while I started tying the mud on my clothes to my parents response.  I didn't think it mattered because I was having SO MUCH FUN!!  

When we live our lives in sin, we tend to focus on the fun we're having and not at all on the mud we're covering ourselves in.  Those that have not yet come to the Lord are sometimes easy to spot by their "mud."  I don't mean this in a judging way, I just mean that we don't know what we don't know.  When we come to Christ, we see all things differently.  We've had the blinders removed from our eyes.  We begin to look at life through our "eternal goggles" instead of our "fun goggles."  It causes us to make changes in our lives and in the way we respond to certain actions.  

David is saying that sinners have no fear of God because they do not know Him.  The plans and ideas that are cooked up in their heads are deeply rooted in a sinful heart.  God is not consulted and therefore God is not in their actions.  They cannot see how wicked they truly are because they haven't a benchmark to compare against.  It's when they find the perfect benchmark, and see how far off they are, that's when two things happen.  First, they understand the magnitude of Jesus' gift of cancelling our sins by dying on the cross and second, they want to do better because of the magnitude of the gift that was given to us.

Accept Jesus' gift today and allow Him to come into your heart.  Pray a simple prayer that will forever change you.  

"Lord, I am a sinner.  I have tried to do life my way and I have failed.  The more I try the farther behind I fall.  I need help, Lord.  I need your help, Lord.  Please, I'm begging you, come into my heart.  I want you to be my Lord and Savior from this day forward.  Please show me the way."

If you have prayed this prayer, will you just send me a message so I can pray with you.

Psalm 37:

I've never been a big fan of award shows such as The Grammys, The Emmys, The Oscars, etc...  These shows idolize people and usually people that shouldn't even be viewed as a role model.  Society puts them on a pedestal and the "stars" begin to think and act like they're something special.  Our children learn to envy their lifestyles and mimic their actions.  Then when they do something stupid (and they always do something stupid - yes - Miley Cyrus - I mean you too) we wonder why our kids are doing these same stupid things.  

David is saying that we need to find our pleasures in the Lord.  We need to commit ourselves to His ways.  The Bible has all the answers to our problems in the book.  We just need to make ourselves knowledgeable in His word.  I know many people can recite the words to numerous pop culture songs, but how many can recite the word of God.  Shouldn't that be more important than some new song created by a self-centered, self-absorbed, under-dressed, child of God?

David is reminding us that society will always be upside down with regard to the spiritual world, but that's okay.  It's still better to have God, and nothing else, than it is to have everything in this world and not have God.  God is all that matters.  

Psalm 38:

David is not saying to God, "Don't punish me."  Instead he is saying "Don't punish me while you're angry."  David is away that he has sinned and he is asking for mercy.  God has to punish his children in order to bring them back to Him.  When we repent our sins, God promises to forgive us.  He delivers us from sin's eternal consequences, although he does not promise to undo sin's earthly consequences.  Our sins may have caused regrets that will remain with us throughout our lives.  

David is again praying to God about his loved ones and family members and the way they treat him.  He longs for their companionship but realizes the vast differences between the way they live their lives and the way he lives his life.  All the while, his enemies are constantly trying to capture and kill him.  He remains silent to their threats, however, just as Jesus was silent toward the threats made of Him.  There is no need to lash out in revenge for we trust in God to protect our reputation.  Our defense couldn't be in better hands.

Psalm 39:

David reminds us that our time on earth is extremely short but eternity lasts forever.  Our reward is in eternity not in the things of this world.  Do not allow the very minute items to cause us to sin. Complaining is a sin - one that I need to devote more attention to.  It's very easy for all of us to get caught up in the complaining sessions that go on during every day of our lives.  We must not partake in these sessions because it causes us to sin.  For more information on the brevity of life, consult Ecclesiastes.  (maybe that should be the next session)

David speaks of being exhausted from the blows from God's hand.  Obviously, this is a picture of how he was feeling as he was being punished for his sins.  God wasn't actually beating him.  It may have been David's view of punishment as he submitted himself to his powerful and loving Father.

Psalm 40:

Okay, how many of us like to wait?  I have a hard time coming up with anything that I would like to wait for.  God responds to our requests on His timeline.  Most times our blessing cannot be received unless we go through a period of waiting.  Sometimes we need to go through a period of cleansing or a period of sacrifice.  

In David's time, they would use animal sacrifices to cleanse themselves but even these sacrifices were useless if not performed for the right reasons.   We may not sacrifice animals today, but we still have our rituals.  A ritual is something that you do because that's the way we've always done it.  Here's a fine example.  Do you say a prayer before your meals?  If so, is it always the same prayer?  How is it said?  With meaning?  Or is it a race to see he can say it the fastest.  I remember, as a family we started saying a blessing before our meals and I made a push to slow it down and say it with feeling.  It was the same prayer my in-laws said before their meals as well.  When the kids were older and a little more aware of what was going, I remember a Thanksgiving meal where we all sat down to say "the blessing" and it was over before I finished the first sentence.  My wife and kids all looked at me with horror as they suddenly realized that this had absolutely no meaning to people who were saying it.  We had a discussion about it later to reemphasize the importance of saying a meaningful, non-ritualistic prayer that speaks from the heart.

Some people consider getting up and going to church as something they must do.  They go, not because they want to praise God, but because they need to feel better about themselves or to check a box on their to-do list.  God knows whats on our hearts.  If your heart isn't in then there's no reason to do it.  Anything can become a ritual if it's not done for the right reasons:  even tithing or taking communion.  God is looking for us to praise Him from joy within our hearts for the gifts He has given us.  Not because we HAVE to but because we WANT to.

God's faithfulness is perfect.  His love is absolute and His promises are irrevocable.  He loves us in spite of our constant sinning.  He keeps ALL of His promises to us, even when we break our promises to Him.  For that, I am forever grateful!

The Shepherd

Psalms 41-45

Friday, February 7, 2014

Day 7 - Psalms 31-35

Psalm 31:

David is reminding himself of the joy he has being forgiven of his sins, even in this time of trouble.  His friends, family members, even random people on the street are conspiring to kill him.  He feels lonely but realizes that in his heart he has the greatest love that can ever exist - he has a relationship with God.  A love that surpasses ALL understanding.  Even thought everyone in this world appears to be against David, he knows that God loves him and is able to protect him and rescue him.  He takes great joy in that - but still - it would  be nice if everyone that he physically sees weren't against him.

He reinforces the love and trust that he has for God by stating it out loud, "You are my God!", he cries.  He offers praises to God and guidance to others that are struggling with their belief.  Be true to God.  Put your trust in Him for He will provide.  Do not be like the wicked - the unbelievers - who do not know God or His never ending love. Stay focused on Him.

Psalm 32:

David is sharing his testimony of what it was like when he was not walking with the Lord.  We sometime think that God could never love me.  That the sins we've committed are too great for the Lord to forgive.  We walk outside of God's love because we don't see ourselves as worthy of His attention.  David is often referred to as a man after God's own heart - yet murder and adultery were on David's list of sins.  These sinners were forgiven through David's repentant heart and his reliance on God.  God wants to forgive our sins.  He wants us to ask Him to wash our sins away and give us a clean slate.  He will not do it until we ask Him to do it.  When we ask Him to come into our lives and be our God, our Savior, then He will show Himself to us through His amazing actions.

In this psalm, David makes reference to some people acting like senseless mules, donkeys, or horses that need to have a bit in their mouths in order to control them.  Rather than allowing God to guide them step by step, they stubbornly leave guide only one option - guiding by discipline and punishment.  God wants to guide with love and wisdom rather than punishment.  He wants to use positive reinforcement rather than negative reinforcement.  Positive reinforcement can only be used on those that are walking in His word.  I'm amazed at how often these actions of positive reinforcement occur and how the world refers to them as "being lucky!"  Luck has absolutely nothing to do with it - it's 100% ALL GOD!

Thank you, Lord, for coming into my life!!

Psalm 33:

David is restating why He loves God so much by reviewing the actions from Genesis.  Genesis was written by Moses and handed down through the generations, so David would have had a scroll of Genesis to read.  David proclaims how God frustrates the plans of the non-believers. You can almost picture God, as a parent, looking down at us from His throne and saying, "Now, now, everyone.  Let's all play nice together."  To Him, even the largest, most advanced army was simply a group plastic toy soldiers.  The non-believers have little understanding of the power God has, but to those that know Him - we are in awe of the power.  We put our entire trust and love in Him alone.

Psalm 34:

God promises great blessings to His people but many of these blessings can only be realized through active participation.  The more involved we are in the work that He has for us the more we see these blessings.  He does not call us to sit idly by and watch His blessings.  He wants us active.  The more active we are the more we see.  David has called out numerous actions that he has taken and what the corresponding blessing was from the Lord.  This is David's testimony to all generations as to how the Lord has impacted his life.  Then David asks us to take these same actions and see for ourselves the overwhelming blessings the Lord has in store for us.  Remember, to fear the Lord does not mean to shake and tremble and fear for our lives.  It means to have respect and awe for the amazing power that He has.  To praise Him and rely on Him in all times; good and bad.

Both the righteous and the wicked face times of trouble, it is their response to those trials that differentiate them.  The wicked rely on their own ability, their own knowledge, their relationships with others and not on the power of God.  The righteous will be in a relationship with God.  They will bring their troubles to God from the very beginning and seek His wisdom and guidance to help them through the troubles.  God wants us to come to Him with everything.  There is nothing too small to bring to God.  It shows how much you trust Him and how little you rely on your own powers.  However, He does expect us to take action.  He expects us to be involved in many things so He can show His hand at work through us.  

There are many ways to get involved.  Too many times I hear someone say that they just don't have time to do something.  But then later they are talking about this TV show or this book or their hobbies and I think to myself... that has more priority than God's work?  Hmmm....  There's always time for the willing. 

Psalm 35:

David is calling on God to deal with his enemies.  This may seem extremely harsh to us, but we must remember David was God's anointed king over a nation called to annihilate the evil people of the land.  He didn't understand why he was forced to flee from men who were wrongly seeking to kill him.  Also, David was sincerely calling for justice to be done and to be done by God and not by him.  David turned revenge over to God to deal with.  He did not take matters into his own hands.  He is also trying to motivate others to take a strong stand against evil... any evil... no matter how large or small.  

When we do not fight back against evil because we feel it is too small to warrant a response then we have given Satan a foothold in our world.  He will slowly build strength on that foothold and use it to gain another foothold.  We have seen this happen repeatedly in today's world. When we sit idly by and allow a very tiny, but organized, group of unbelievers to force their way of thinking into the political forefront using threats of law suits to shut us down, we show that we don't believe our God to be strong enough to overcome their anti-Christian, anti-Biblical way of living.  It's time to take a stand and give God a stage in which to perform His power.  

David is saying that when we stand up FOR God, God will be there to take action.  This is also displayed in other areas of the Bible as well. 

Please share your thoughts and comments.

The Shepherd

Psalms 36-40

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Day 6 - Psalms 26-30

Psalm 26:

After reading this psalm, several thoughts come to mind.  First, David claims that he is always aware of God's unfailing love.  How does someone get to that point where they feel God's presence all day, every day?  A person must spend time in God's word and become familiar with His voice, His methods and what it feels like when He is near.  In order to do that, we need to move the distractions out of our life.  Anything that keeps us from spending time in God's word is not from God.  Video games, cell phones, television shows, computers, and many other items keep us from spending time with God.  God wants us to trim these distractions from our life so we have more quiet time with Him.

Have you ever been around someone that cannot stand to have silence?  They fill the void with noise so there isn't any silence.  To me, this is VERY annoying.  How can you have a conversation with God if His voice is drowned out by some silly show on the television or a song that's playing.  The question I have is what are they afraid they will hear if it's quiet?  Are they so opposed to hearing God's voice that they will do anything to keep it buried?  I'm the weird guy that drives long distances without the radio on.  It drives everyone else crazy, but it gives me time to think and listen.

The second thought that comes to mind is does God want us to avoid non-believers?  David mentions that he does not spend time with liars, hypocrites, the wicked or people we are evil.  It makes us think that we are to avoid this group, but if we avoid non-believers how will they ever become believers?  God wants us to be mixing it up with the non-believers so they can see how different we are.  They will wonder what the believer has that makes them so stable, hopeful, and at peace.  We are to have an effect on them, we are not to allow them to have an effect on us.  It harms our witness for God when we act like a non-believer.  Ask yourself this question about the people you like to be with:  if you continue to be with them will you become less obedient to God?

Psalm 27:

At some point you will realize that God is protecting you because He has plans for you.  To borrow a phrase that I heard once - God's people, in God's word, doing God's will are invincible until God is through using them in this world.  Therefore, you have nothing to fear.  You can stand confidently in the face of danger knowing that God is protecting you.  Remember, when the darkness of fear is surrounding you, the Lord is the light onto your path.

David spent time with God throughout the day - every day.  He sought guidance from God for every decision.  David's greatest desire was to live in God's presence every day of his life. Unfortunately, this is not the greatest desire of so many people that call themselves Christians. Do you long to be in His presence every day?

Psalm 28:

It appears that David may have experienced people that pretended to be a friend while they manipulated others and planned their wickedness.  He was pleading to God to properly punish them and asking for God not to include him in the group to be punished.  

Psalm 29:

David is giving many examples of the power of God's voice.  I believe he is struggling with how others have such difficulty hearing the voice of God when it is so powerful and displayed in so many ways.  

Psalm 30:

God corrects us when we make mistakes, but the wise take the correction and grow from it. God's anger may last for only a moment, but His favor lasts for eternity.  He turns our mourning into joyful dancing.

Please share your thoughts and comments.

The Shepherd

Psalms 31-35

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day 5 - Psalms 21-25

Psalm 21:

I remember the first time I recognized God's hand at the helm as situations unfolded around me. It was actually several days after everything unfolded before I could quietly think through what had happened.  That's when I was able to put things together.  How over the past four years God had been positioning me to be in the right spot at the right time.  At first, I chalked everything up to being "lucky", but then I remember there isn't anything called "Luck" - It's all God.  I felt like David in this psalm - praising God for all He does for me.

After recognizing God's hand in the BIG things, I was then able to see God's hand in the smaller things and I praise Him instantly when these things happen.  I realize that this reads kind of creepy but it's true!  The more you praise God, the more you'll see God which will lead to more praising which leads to more seeing.  The more you see the more joy-filled you become and that causes you to stand out more.  I have people look at me as though I'm some kind of weirdo because I feel like I smile all the time... even at funerals - I'll be smiling - actually celebrating the persons life.

David is praising God for all the help He has given him and in return God provides more for David... till his cup runneth over.

Psalm 22:

David was truly touched by God.  Here he gives an amazingly accurate description of the suffering Jesus will go through - 1400 years before it happens!  David also speaks of feeling abandoned, and surrounded by his enemies.  He cries out to God for help and cries for Him to stay by his side and to give him strength.  David would public praise God for his deliverance.  God may deliver us from our problems and we must be prepared to give a public offering of praise for what He has done for us.

When we praise Him publicly we are planting the seed in our younger generations which will be carried forward.  As we teach our children, so they will teach their children and their grandchildren.  If we fail in this one task we may be breaking the chain of God's influence in future generations.  We must view our children, and ALL children, as God's future leaders.  When we are faithful in today's opportunities, we may be affecting the future for generations to come!

Psalm 23:

My favorite psalm ever!  David uses the reference of the Lord as a shepherd because of his own experiences as a shepherd.  Sheep are wholly dependent on the shepherd to provide for them, to guide them and to protect them.  They are not smart enough to make wise choices on their own.  They need someone to lead them to nourishment just like we need Jesus, The Good Shepherd, to nourish our souls.

When we follow Jesus, He leads us to our "green pastures".  We don't even know what that green pasture is let alone where it is but our creator knows.  If we let Him guide us we will take us there and along the way we'll see some amazing things.  There will be peaceful streams where we can restore our souls.  There will be a bountiful feast in the presence of our enemies and our cup will overflow with His blessings.

Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

Psalm 24:

Everything in this world is the Lord's and He has asked us to be good stewards and caretakers of His resources.  This psalm was traditionally sung as a part of the weekly celebration of worship.  Who is the King of Glory?  The King of Glory is identified as the Lord of Heaven's Armies - Jesus!  This psalm is not only a battle cry for the church, but it also looks forward to Christ's return into the new Jerusalem to reign forever!

Psalm 25:

It's very important for us to see things how they really are.  We are surrounded by enemies, idols, temptations, lust and more.  Satan is real and he is our greatest enemy.  David asks God to keep his enemies from overcoming him because they oppose what God stands for.  If his enemies were to succeed David feared that many would think that living for God was futile.  David didn't question his own faith - he knew God would triumph but he didn't want his enemies success to be an obstacle to the faith of others.

First, we have to want to be guided.  We must first come to grips with the fact that we don't control anything - no matter how much we think we do.  God's guidance comes from the word.  By reading the Bible regularly and constantly learning from it, we will gain the wisdom to perceive God's direction for our lives.  We need integrity and honesty to preserve us.  David asks for these to protect him step by step.  Honesty says. "This is the Shepherd's way," and integrity says, "I will walk consistently in it."

Share your thoughts on today's reading by posting a comment.

The Shepherd

Psalms 26-30

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day 4 - Psalms 16-20

Psalms 16:

It's very common for people to make plans for their lives and then ask God to bless the plans they made without first consulting with God.  Before we make any plans, we need to consult with God first to learn His will for us.  He will provide insights that help us make good decisions and live in God's will using God's wisdom.  

David's heart was filled with joy because he had found the secret to far deeper happiness.  We, too, can have that same joy when we put God first in our lives.  Unbelievers have a sense of confusion about their purpose on earth and feel hopelessness more frequently than believers.  Those who seek God first move ahead with confidence and know what is right in God's eyes.  Believers also know that God will not leave them in the grave.  He has promised to bring us back to life again when He returns.

Psalm 17:

We deceive ourselves when we measure our happiness or contentment in life by the amount of wealth we have.  When we put riches at the top of our value system, we let power, pleasure, and financial security overshadow the eternal value of our relationship with God.  David urges us to realize the true goal of life - to know God - and the true reward of life - to see God one day.  He is praying to God for strength and assistance to stay on the righteous path that he has been traveling.  He senses his own weaknesses and is pleading to God to remove the wicked people and murderous enemies that are constantly after him.  He is pleading to be rescued from their persistent pursuit.

Psalm 18:

David is praising God for delivering him and giving him victory throughout his life.  No doubt this psalm was written later in his life when there was more peace in David's life.  He characterizes God's care using five military symbols.  God is like 
1.  a rock that can't be moved by anyone who would harm us
2.  a fortress or place of safety where the enemy can't follow
3.  a shield that comes between us and harm
4.  power that saves - a symbol of might that can save us
5.  a place of safety high above our enemies

If you need protection, look to God.  Some people think that belief in God is a crutch for the weak.  God is indeed a shield to protect us when we are too weak to face certain trials by ourselves, but he does not want us to remain weak.  He strengthens, protects and guides us in order to send us back into an evil world to fight for Him.  Then He continues to work with us because the strongest person on earth is infinitely weaker than God and needs His help.  David was not a coward; he was a mighty warrior who, even with all his armies and weapons, knew that only God could ultimately protect and save him.

Psalm 19:

The apostle Paul referred to this psalm when he explained that everyone knows about God because nature proclaims God's existence and power.  While nature points to the existence of God, the Bible tells us about God's plan of salvation.  We are surrounded by fantastic displays of God's craftsmanship - the heavens give dramatic evidence of his existence, his power, his love, his care.  To say that the universe happened by chance is absurd.  It's design, intricacy, and orderliness point to a personally involved Creator.  As you look at God's handiwork in nature and the heavens, thank him for such magnificent beauty  and the truth it reveals about the Creator.

Psalm 20:

As long as there have been armies and weapons, nations have boasted of their power, but such power does not last.  Throughout history, empires and kingdoms have risen to great power only to vanish in the dust.  David, however, knew that the true might of his nation was not in weaponry but in worship, not in firepower but in God's power.  Because God alone can preserve a nation or an individual, be sure your confidence is in God, who gives eternal victory.
Whom do you trust?

Feel free to share your thoughts and comments.

The Shepherd

Psalms 21-25

Monday, February 3, 2014

Day 3 - Psalms 11-15

Psalm 11:

Many people panic in the face of trouble, but we can trust that God will provide stability for us through His word.  David certainly was forced to flee for safety several times, but he knew that God was ultimately in control.  While David wisely avoided trouble, he did not fearfully run away from troubles.  Faith in God helps us to remain hopeful and resist our fears.  Spending time in the word when things are smooth gives us confidence that God will be there when things get rough.  When the foundations are shaking and you wish you could run away and hide, remember God is still in control.  His power has not diminished one bit.  God does not shield believers from difficult situations, but He tests the righteous and the wicked equally.  For some, God's tests become a refining fire, while for others they become an incinerator for destruction.

Psalm 12:

In today's society as well as in David's era, sincerity and truthfulness are extremely rare.  Many people have not so hidden agendas and are trying to manipulate others in order to get their way.  I am amazed at how many television shows make stars out of liars, cheats, whores, and sluts.  In the meantime, those that watch these shows are being desensitized to this behavior and begin to think that this is the way one MUST act in order fit in.  That may be true but I for one refuse to act that way - I choose to stand out as WEIRD!  Or as God would call it - righteous.  

David certainly face his share of manipulators.  When we feel as though sincerity and truth have left this world, we have one hope - the word of God.  God's word is as pure and flawless as refined silver. So listen carefully when He speaks to you through His word.

Psalm 13:

When the world seems to close in on us, it is such a relief to have a friend that we can talk to about a problem.  A friend helps us regain our perspective.  God is our best friend.  No one knows us better than our creator.  Sometimes though we become impatient because we don't get an immediate answer.  God has His own timeline.  You will get the answer when it's time to act.  It could be that we have allowed something to rise to the top that shouldn't be there.  Or maybe we want something that isn't right for us.  God knows what's best and He will provide an answer - even if the answer is "No, not now."  Trust in His unfailing love for us.  

Psalm 14:

I am constantly amazed at all of the obvious proof of God's existence that is available to those that want to see it.  Yet so many claim that there is no God and look at me weird when I ask them how they could even think that.  I pointed out to a co-worker once that evolution is a lie created by a man who lost his family and was angry with God.  That later in life Charles Darwin admitted that it was all a lie to get back at God, but yet this lie is still taught to our children in schools across the globe.  

God is looking down on us from heaven and trying to find one person that is truly wise.  But our so called "wisest" people have turned their backs on God.  It amazes me that the more scientists unearth some amazing discovery the more it proves what is already found in the Bible.  Scientists say the universe, and all that is in it, was created in a violent process called "The Big Bang."  Christians agree.  Genesis 1:3 "Then God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light."  Sounds like a mighty big bang to me.  

It all depends on what is in your heart.  Are you willing to accept a mighty being is in control and that you are not?  Or is your heart a rebellious heart that says "I don't need you in my life.  I can do it myself."  God is willing to let you choose.  He would like to have a relationship with you but if you don't want one... He'll still be there for you, but you're the one missing out.

Only fools say in their heart "There is no God."

Psalm 15:

As our relationship grows with our creator, we become more interested in living by His standard.  Being able to control our tongue is a good indicator to others that we are a Christian.  Be mindful of the words you use.  Ask God to set a guard in front of your tongue to not allow all of your thoughts to flow out your mouth.  Think first of what you're going to say before saying it.  Do not allow yourself to be drawn into gossip or moral issues.  Don't hang around people that can't control their tongue, their mind, their thoughts.  Put others first.  Help others.  Be different.

What are your thoughts?  Feel free to post your thoughts for discussion.

The Shepherd

Psalms 16-20

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Day 2 - Psalms 6-10

Psalm 6:

David is asking God for mercy and compassion for something he has done.  He is pouring out his heart to God:  completely and honestly.  David is showing us that we can be honest with God even when we are filled with anger because God knows everything about us.  He wants the very best for us.  David realizes that he could be completely destroyed by God's wrath if God were not a merciful God.  We can come to God with ALL of our emotions and feelings.  We can pour them out at the base of the cross and know that God will take those emotions from us and direct our focus onto what is more important.  Be honest with God and he will help you turn your attention from your own problems to Him and His mercy.

Psalm 7:

David was accused of trying to kill King Saul.  Imagine the amount of effort that would be put into finding David by the king and his army.  But David was wrongly accused of this crime.  In fact, King Saul hated David so much that he made up this slanderous accusation in order to have David killed.  Saul was tired of David getting all of the glory when they rode back from battle.  Saul wanted his people to glorify him and so he wanted David out of the picture.

David could have struck back and fought the king and his army but instead he cried out to God for help.  God looks deep into the heart and mind to see our motives and we should take comfort in this.  We don't have to impress God, instead we can trust that he fully understands our situation and our fears.  When we fully rely on God, he rewards our efforts.

There's a funny thing about evil and violent people - they tend to destroy themselves.  Violent people become victims of violence.  Evil people become victims of evil.  Liars become victims of deceit.  During this time of great injustice, David was grateful that he had a relationship with God.  When we wonder if anyone in the world is just or fair or honest, we can be assured that God is.  He will continue to bring justice and fairness to our lives when we involve Him in our activities.  When you're being treated unfairly, ask God to be with you and to guide you through the situation.  Then thank Him for being there with you!

Psalm 8:

David recognizes God's hand in everything he sees on earth and gives glory and praise to God for it.  He respects God's majesty.  How could such a powerful being care one iota for mankind?  Let alone, love us so much that He is always in our lives.  When we look at all creation, we feel small in comparison - and we should!  But God doesn't want us to dwell on our smallness.  He doesn't want us to feel worthless and lowly.  He wants us to respect Him.

Yet God created man only a little lower than Himself and the angels.  Next time you start to question your worth remember God holds you in high regard.  He loves you!  We are very valuable to the God that created us.  After all, He sent His one and only Son here to save us from our sins so that all can have eternal life with God.  That's an extremely valuable gift to give and shows how much He loves us.  Accept the gift and be thankful!!

Psalm 9:

David is giving praise to God for a recent victory, most likely over the Philistines.  In this life, we may face many injustices.  We may be falsely accused or misunderstood by our family or friends.  We may not be truly appreciated for the love we show to others.  We may not be rewarded for the work we do or the services we provide.  We may be ignored.  But God sees and remembers all that we do and He is to be praised.  We must trust that God will vindicate us on His timeline.  When we trust in God, we will have God's peace and be free from the worry of how others perceive us or treat us.

God will never abandon anyone who seeks Him.  He is with us always!  But when we ask for His help we need to first consider our motives.  Are we asking for His help to save us from embarrassment or public ridicule or are we asking to bring Glory to God?  God knows what we need... but are we doing what God wants us to do?

Psalm 10:

There was a church sign once that read "Does God seem far away?   Who moved?"   Sometimes we feel as if God is no longer interested in us or our lives.  That's just not the case. God is always interested in us, it's just that sometimes we allow life to get in the way of our relationship with God.  Life blocks the communication channels by throwing situations in our path.  When we try to handle it on our own, we're telling God that we don't need your help.  I got this!  I sometimes picture God, calling some of the angels over to say "Hey, watch this...  he thinks he's got this on his own."  We are pushing God away in those situations.  It's in those situations that we need His help the most.  We must come to Him in prayer and ask for guidance.

The wicked are too proud to bend the knee in prayer.  Without God's guidance they never choose the right path.  Their decisions are based on their needs and their needs only.  They don't ask what God needs us to do for Him.  The wicked will be punished for their arrogance and pride.  They may have wealth and power but they don't have God.  When they die, God will tell them that had their reward on earth.  Now they can spend all of eternity in solitude.  That brings me to an interesting point that I should make.  We sometimes think of Satan as the warden at the prison of Hell, but Satan is the first occupant of Hell.  He is not running the show - he is in solitude like all of the other non-believers.  This idea of Hell being a place where the sinners will be able to party and carry on is absolutely wrong.  Friendship is a form of love. Love is a characteristic of God.  Their  won't be ANY interaction with ANYONE for all eternity. There will be constant emptiness, dread and despair for all eternity.  

What are your thoughts?

The Shepherd 

Psalms 11-15