Psalm 21:
I remember the first time I recognized God's hand at the helm as situations unfolded around me. It was actually several days after everything unfolded before I could quietly think through what had happened. That's when I was able to put things together. How over the past four years God had been positioning me to be in the right spot at the right time. At first, I chalked everything up to being "lucky", but then I remember there isn't anything called "Luck" - It's all God. I felt like David in this psalm - praising God for all He does for me.
After recognizing God's hand in the BIG things, I was then able to see God's hand in the smaller things and I praise Him instantly when these things happen. I realize that this reads kind of creepy but it's true! The more you praise God, the more you'll see God which will lead to more praising which leads to more seeing. The more you see the more joy-filled you become and that causes you to stand out more. I have people look at me as though I'm some kind of weirdo because I feel like I smile all the time... even at funerals - I'll be smiling - actually celebrating the persons life.
David is praising God for all the help He has given him and in return God provides more for David... till his cup runneth over.
Psalm 22:
David was truly touched by God. Here he gives an amazingly accurate description of the suffering Jesus will go through - 1400 years before it happens! David also speaks of feeling abandoned, and surrounded by his enemies. He cries out to God for help and cries for Him to stay by his side and to give him strength. David would public praise God for his deliverance. God may deliver us from our problems and we must be prepared to give a public offering of praise for what He has done for us.
When we praise Him publicly we are planting the seed in our younger generations which will be carried forward. As we teach our children, so they will teach their children and their grandchildren. If we fail in this one task we may be breaking the chain of God's influence in future generations. We must view our children, and ALL children, as God's future leaders. When we are faithful in today's opportunities, we may be affecting the future for generations to come!
Psalm 23:
My favorite psalm ever! David uses the reference of the Lord as a shepherd because of his own experiences as a shepherd. Sheep are wholly dependent on the shepherd to provide for them, to guide them and to protect them. They are not smart enough to make wise choices on their own. They need someone to lead them to nourishment just like we need Jesus, The Good Shepherd, to nourish our souls.
When we follow Jesus, He leads us to our "green pastures". We don't even know what that green pasture is let alone where it is but our creator knows. If we let Him guide us we will take us there and along the way we'll see some amazing things. There will be peaceful streams where we can restore our souls. There will be a bountiful feast in the presence of our enemies and our cup will overflow with His blessings.
Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
Psalm 24:
Everything in this world is the Lord's and He has asked us to be good stewards and caretakers of His resources. This psalm was traditionally sung as a part of the weekly celebration of worship. Who is the King of Glory? The King of Glory is identified as the Lord of Heaven's Armies - Jesus! This psalm is not only a battle cry for the church, but it also looks forward to Christ's return into the new Jerusalem to reign forever!
Psalm 25:
It's very important for us to see things how they really are. We are surrounded by enemies, idols, temptations, lust and more. Satan is real and he is our greatest enemy. David asks God to keep his enemies from overcoming him because they oppose what God stands for. If his enemies were to succeed David feared that many would think that living for God was futile. David didn't question his own faith - he knew God would triumph but he didn't want his enemies success to be an obstacle to the faith of others.
First, we have to want to be guided. We must first come to grips with the fact that we don't control anything - no matter how much we think we do. God's guidance comes from the word. By reading the Bible regularly and constantly learning from it, we will gain the wisdom to perceive God's direction for our lives. We need integrity and honesty to preserve us. David asks for these to protect him step by step. Honesty says. "This is the Shepherd's way," and integrity says, "I will walk consistently in it."
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The Shepherd
Psalms 26-30
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