Thursday, February 6, 2014

Day 6 - Psalms 26-30

Psalm 26:

After reading this psalm, several thoughts come to mind.  First, David claims that he is always aware of God's unfailing love.  How does someone get to that point where they feel God's presence all day, every day?  A person must spend time in God's word and become familiar with His voice, His methods and what it feels like when He is near.  In order to do that, we need to move the distractions out of our life.  Anything that keeps us from spending time in God's word is not from God.  Video games, cell phones, television shows, computers, and many other items keep us from spending time with God.  God wants us to trim these distractions from our life so we have more quiet time with Him.

Have you ever been around someone that cannot stand to have silence?  They fill the void with noise so there isn't any silence.  To me, this is VERY annoying.  How can you have a conversation with God if His voice is drowned out by some silly show on the television or a song that's playing.  The question I have is what are they afraid they will hear if it's quiet?  Are they so opposed to hearing God's voice that they will do anything to keep it buried?  I'm the weird guy that drives long distances without the radio on.  It drives everyone else crazy, but it gives me time to think and listen.

The second thought that comes to mind is does God want us to avoid non-believers?  David mentions that he does not spend time with liars, hypocrites, the wicked or people we are evil.  It makes us think that we are to avoid this group, but if we avoid non-believers how will they ever become believers?  God wants us to be mixing it up with the non-believers so they can see how different we are.  They will wonder what the believer has that makes them so stable, hopeful, and at peace.  We are to have an effect on them, we are not to allow them to have an effect on us.  It harms our witness for God when we act like a non-believer.  Ask yourself this question about the people you like to be with:  if you continue to be with them will you become less obedient to God?

Psalm 27:

At some point you will realize that God is protecting you because He has plans for you.  To borrow a phrase that I heard once - God's people, in God's word, doing God's will are invincible until God is through using them in this world.  Therefore, you have nothing to fear.  You can stand confidently in the face of danger knowing that God is protecting you.  Remember, when the darkness of fear is surrounding you, the Lord is the light onto your path.

David spent time with God throughout the day - every day.  He sought guidance from God for every decision.  David's greatest desire was to live in God's presence every day of his life. Unfortunately, this is not the greatest desire of so many people that call themselves Christians. Do you long to be in His presence every day?

Psalm 28:

It appears that David may have experienced people that pretended to be a friend while they manipulated others and planned their wickedness.  He was pleading to God to properly punish them and asking for God not to include him in the group to be punished.  

Psalm 29:

David is giving many examples of the power of God's voice.  I believe he is struggling with how others have such difficulty hearing the voice of God when it is so powerful and displayed in so many ways.  

Psalm 30:

God corrects us when we make mistakes, but the wise take the correction and grow from it. God's anger may last for only a moment, but His favor lasts for eternity.  He turns our mourning into joyful dancing.

Please share your thoughts and comments.

The Shepherd

Psalms 31-35

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