Psalm 1:
Oh, the joys indeed of those that follow God's word and not the word of the wicked. They are blessed beyond their imagination. The more time you spend in the word, the easier it becomes to identify those that also spend time in the word. This psalm holds two simple pearls of wisdom: the more we delight in obeying God, the more fruitful we become. On the other hand, the more we allow those who ridicule God to affect our thoughts and our attitudes, the more we separate ourselves from God.
We must have contact with unbelievers in order to witness to them, but we cannot allow their thoughts, actions, or sinful behavior to influence us. In their current state, they are worthless chaff that will be scattered in the wind. But they are still children of God, and God asks us to reach out to them. To bring them to Jesus, without being pulled into their world of destruction.
In Boy Scouts, I took a lifesaving class so I could become a lifeguard. One of the sessions taught us to be very careful when approaching a drowning person. In their struggles to survive, they may in fact cause you to drown. They taught us to get within range and reach out to them with a rope or a pole so they did not climb on top of you and submerge you in their efforts to breathe. This is similar to what Jesus is asking us to do. Reach out to the lost, bring them in, but do not let them pull you down.
Psalm 2:
The rebellious human heart is a fascinating topic. We have all been born with a hole in our soul the size of Jesus. We long to fill that hole with anything but Jesus. We search for material goods to fill the void, but they only leave us longing for more. We search for power and wealth to fill the void but in the end there just isn't enough. We search for lust and sex to fill that void but it only leaves us empty and feeling disgusted by our actions. We see ourselves as slaves chained to God's rules, but in reality He is guiding us to everything our heart could ever desire. We don't want His help. We want to do it ourselves, but we CANNOT! We must turn to Jesus to find what we are looking for. When we do, we wonder why we were so rebellious in the first place.
It's our sinful nature, our sinful pride, our flawed heart, everything that it means to be human pulls us away from God. We must turn toward Him in order to find MORE than we ever imagined we wanted. He created us! He knows everything about us! He knows us better than we know ourselves! He wants to give us the one thing that will make our hearts overflow with joy! If we would just accept His gift... the gift of Jesus!
Psalm 3:
How many times do we find ourselves in the grasp of what seems to be an unending sea of enemies. People ganging up on us, telling us we don't know what we are saying or doing, or that will never work. There seems to be negativity around us always. Sometimes we give Satan a foothold to grab onto us, and when we do, his strength is sometimes more than we can handle. We need to ask God to rescue us from Satan's grip. Show us the way, Oh Lord. Show us the door to safety. There will always be a door. We just have to pray for the light to shine on the pathway to safety.
Sleep may not come easily for us when we are in these times of trouble. We should spend more time in prayer, asking God for guidance as to what it is that I'm to learning from this experience. Everything happens for a reason and most often the reason is to strengthen us for the next phase of what God has planned for us. Seek His guidance and grow. Sleep will come when you pour out your heart to God. Thank Him for His control of the situation. Let Him know that you know that He is still in control and guiding you through this. Know that victory comes from the Lord!
Psalm 4:
Sometimes we feel as though God does not hear our cries for help. Remember, that as a believer you have been set apart by God and that He loves you. He hears your pleas and He will respond although His answer may not be the answer you're looking for. You must consider your problems in the light of God 's power instead of looking at God in the shadow of your problems. Know that He is in control. He will keep you safe.
Psalm 5:
The secret of a closer relationship to God is to pray earnestly every morning. In the morning, our minds are free from problems and we can commit the whole day to God. Regular communication helps any friendship grow and it's certainly necessary for a strong relationship with God. Set aside a time each morning to spend time in the word and to pray. You will be more rejuvenated through prayer than through sleep. So get up a few minutes earlier, get a cup of coffee and pray to God.
As we grow spiritually, our sensitivity to sin increases. What is your reaction to sin when you see it all around you? Remember, God cannot condone or excuse even the smallest sin therefore, we cannot excuse ourselves for sinning just a little bit. It is ALL equal. As God makes us more aware of the sin around us we must be more intolerant toward it and be willing to change. All believers should strive to be more tolerant of sinners but less tolerant of the sin in themselves and others.
What are your thoughts? Please provide your comments for discussion.
The Shepherd
Psalms 6-10
Oh, the joys indeed of those that follow God's word and not the word of the wicked. They are blessed beyond their imagination. The more time you spend in the word, the easier it becomes to identify those that also spend time in the word. This psalm holds two simple pearls of wisdom: the more we delight in obeying God, the more fruitful we become. On the other hand, the more we allow those who ridicule God to affect our thoughts and our attitudes, the more we separate ourselves from God.
We must have contact with unbelievers in order to witness to them, but we cannot allow their thoughts, actions, or sinful behavior to influence us. In their current state, they are worthless chaff that will be scattered in the wind. But they are still children of God, and God asks us to reach out to them. To bring them to Jesus, without being pulled into their world of destruction.
In Boy Scouts, I took a lifesaving class so I could become a lifeguard. One of the sessions taught us to be very careful when approaching a drowning person. In their struggles to survive, they may in fact cause you to drown. They taught us to get within range and reach out to them with a rope or a pole so they did not climb on top of you and submerge you in their efforts to breathe. This is similar to what Jesus is asking us to do. Reach out to the lost, bring them in, but do not let them pull you down.
Psalm 2:
The rebellious human heart is a fascinating topic. We have all been born with a hole in our soul the size of Jesus. We long to fill that hole with anything but Jesus. We search for material goods to fill the void, but they only leave us longing for more. We search for power and wealth to fill the void but in the end there just isn't enough. We search for lust and sex to fill that void but it only leaves us empty and feeling disgusted by our actions. We see ourselves as slaves chained to God's rules, but in reality He is guiding us to everything our heart could ever desire. We don't want His help. We want to do it ourselves, but we CANNOT! We must turn to Jesus to find what we are looking for. When we do, we wonder why we were so rebellious in the first place.
It's our sinful nature, our sinful pride, our flawed heart, everything that it means to be human pulls us away from God. We must turn toward Him in order to find MORE than we ever imagined we wanted. He created us! He knows everything about us! He knows us better than we know ourselves! He wants to give us the one thing that will make our hearts overflow with joy! If we would just accept His gift... the gift of Jesus!
Psalm 3:
How many times do we find ourselves in the grasp of what seems to be an unending sea of enemies. People ganging up on us, telling us we don't know what we are saying or doing, or that will never work. There seems to be negativity around us always. Sometimes we give Satan a foothold to grab onto us, and when we do, his strength is sometimes more than we can handle. We need to ask God to rescue us from Satan's grip. Show us the way, Oh Lord. Show us the door to safety. There will always be a door. We just have to pray for the light to shine on the pathway to safety.
Sleep may not come easily for us when we are in these times of trouble. We should spend more time in prayer, asking God for guidance as to what it is that I'm to learning from this experience. Everything happens for a reason and most often the reason is to strengthen us for the next phase of what God has planned for us. Seek His guidance and grow. Sleep will come when you pour out your heart to God. Thank Him for His control of the situation. Let Him know that you know that He is still in control and guiding you through this. Know that victory comes from the Lord!
Psalm 4:
Sometimes we feel as though God does not hear our cries for help. Remember, that as a believer you have been set apart by God and that He loves you. He hears your pleas and He will respond although His answer may not be the answer you're looking for. You must consider your problems in the light of God 's power instead of looking at God in the shadow of your problems. Know that He is in control. He will keep you safe.
Psalm 5:
The secret of a closer relationship to God is to pray earnestly every morning. In the morning, our minds are free from problems and we can commit the whole day to God. Regular communication helps any friendship grow and it's certainly necessary for a strong relationship with God. Set aside a time each morning to spend time in the word and to pray. You will be more rejuvenated through prayer than through sleep. So get up a few minutes earlier, get a cup of coffee and pray to God.
As we grow spiritually, our sensitivity to sin increases. What is your reaction to sin when you see it all around you? Remember, God cannot condone or excuse even the smallest sin therefore, we cannot excuse ourselves for sinning just a little bit. It is ALL equal. As God makes us more aware of the sin around us we must be more intolerant toward it and be willing to change. All believers should strive to be more tolerant of sinners but less tolerant of the sin in themselves and others.
What are your thoughts? Please provide your comments for discussion.
The Shepherd
Psalms 6-10