Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Proverbs 1 - Day 1

"Fear of the LORD is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline."                 Proverbs  1:7

Have you ever met someone that seems to know everything there is to possibly know?  No matter how you direct the conversation they seem to have a strong opinion about the topic and they like to point out that your viewpoint is wrong and their's is the only correct viewpoint.  

How do you feel when you interact with this type of person? 

We commonly refer to this type of person as a "know-it-all".  Now, just to be clear, there are some very knowledgeable people in the world.  It is one thing to amass a great deal of knowledge and it's quite a different thing to ridicule others and their opinions.  People can be very knowledgeable and not be a "know-it-all".  In fact, many intellectual people understand that by listening to other people's viewpoints is a great way to expand your own knowledge.  A "know-it-all" doesn't listen to others and doesn't seem to be open to any other viewpoint than their own - regardless of how off target it is.  Solomon refers to these people as "fools".

Fools have knowledge but not wisdom and when someone tries to educate them they tend to become resentful or even belligerent.  They refuse to learn from others or listen to others advice.  They know everything already and don't need you to "help" them - after all, you barely know anything.  ( they think)

There is only one that knows everything and that is God.   Learn to learn from others, especially those that know you well and can give you good counsel.

Did you have a verse from Proverbs chapter 1 that struck a chord with you?

Please post it and tell why or how it touched you.

The Shepherd

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