Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Overcoming Temptation

Perhaps you've noticed this in your own life, too, but I tend to see this frequently because of my daily commute to the office.  I'm driving along on the interstate highway system traveling at the speed limit, in the slow lane and on "Cruise Control" when in my mirror I see a vehicle approaching at a high rate of speed.  There are several other open lanes but the vehicle chooses to run up on my bumper and then stays there!!  Dangerously close!!  I'm not doing anything wrong.  I'm not speeding and I'm not going to be intimidated into breaking the law just because this person wants to push me!

Yet, I'm putting myself at risk by allowing this person to be so close to my bumper.  I cannot control the situation.  What if a deer or some other animal comes running out of the woods and onto the highway suddenly?  My life is in danger because someone doesn't want to go around me.  I modify my speed to a slightly slower speed and the person nearly hits me before finally going around me.  As they go by me, they let me know that they are not happy with my speed, or actions or my family heritage through the use of hand gestures and mouthing words that are easily recognizable even though it was their actions that caused the situation.  As they pass me, I see on the back of their vehicle a symbol of a fish with a cross where the eye would be.  They're a Christian???   Really???  They're actions don't reflect being a Christian.

A Christian doesn't intimidate others or try to make them break the law.  A Christian doesn't yell obscenities at people or push blame onto others.  A Christian doesn't put others lives at risk.  But alas, I'm now caught in my own web because I am judging.  I tell myself that person is probably going through some very hard times and needs God's help.  I say a quick prayer for them and try to put it out of my mind but it just won't leave.

It brings to mind the downward spiral of our society.  What has happened to our people?  When did we become so shallow, so self-righteous, so self-centered, so narrow-minded, so short-sided and so entitled?  I think back to how I was raised - when parents disciplined children - with spankings not countdowns.  Somewhere along the way parents tossed aside the rod of discipline for fear that they would scar their children.  In doing so, they also tossed aside a society that follows rules.  Any rules.  And no where is it more obvious than in driving.  I rarely see people stop (which by the way means that your tires are not rolling) at a four way stop anymore.  Sometimes I get a friendly honk from the person behind me when I actually bring my car to a complete stop... as if I'm doing something wrong!

In a Bible study class a few years ago, we were discussing Matthew 25 - specifically the story of the talents - where Jesus says "Well done, my good and faithful servant.  You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so I will give you many more responsibilities.  Let's celebrate together!"
Our discussion started with the focus on money and how it was handled but I pointed out to the group that Jesus isn't just talking about how we handle money.  He is also talking about how we handle ourselves.  If we handle ourselves responsibly in the little things of this life then He will bless us with greater responsibilities.  We have shown ourselves to be trustworthy and righteous in the tiny details and therefore we can be trusted to handle the larger items that he has in store for us.  If we cannot be faithful with the tiny things then there is no way we will ever be able to be faithful in the larger things.

The group thought about this for a few minutes and then one person asked for an example.  I stated that one example would be if you cannot follow the posted speed limit.  If you are consistently breaking a simple law such as speeding then how can you ever be trusted to adhere to more complex rules?  If you cannot overcome the temptation of speeding then how will you ever overcome the temptation of the flesh?  Overcoming temptations is a journey of it's own.  We must first realize that we can overcome temptation by being faithful in the small stuff.  It's like building a muscle.  We must start with small weights and then build to larger weights in order to grow stronger.  Speeding is a very small temptation but one that many consistently fail to overcome.  By building our confidence that we can consistently control our behavior when tempted to speed then we can work on the next step:  completely stopping at stop signs.... and so on.  

Then, after consistently overcoming the small temptations of life, we are better prepared for the larger temptations.  Some day we will be faced with very large temptations that may attempt to destroy our marriage or our careers or our integrity.  Remember, Satan prowls the earth looking for whom to devour.  Let's not allow ourselves to be an easy appetizer.  Stand up to the temptations and grow in your self-control.  You will also be a good role model for your kids who are seeing, and will some day mimic, everything you are doing.  Set a good example so your kids will behave when they grow up.

A life of following rules is a difficult life but in the end God can use a person that adheres to the rules.  He can trust that person to adhere to His rules.  To break the law is to sin and we must work at not sinning in order to draw closer to God.

The Shepherd

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Overcoming The Entitlement Attitude

"What is causing the quarrels and fights among you?  Don't they come from the evil desires at war within you?  You want what you don't have so you scheme and kill to get it.  You are jealous of what others have, but you can't get it, so you fight and wage war to take it away from them. Yet you don't have what you want because you don't ask God for it.  And even when you ask, you don't get it because your motives are all wrong - you want only what will give you pleasure."

                                                                                  -  James   4:1-3
                                                                                     New Living Translation

When you turn on the news these days, it's rare not to see a group rioting about something - what ever it is, what ever the cause, rioting is never the answer.  Acting out in anger is childish behavior and participants should be treated as children.  Under developed brains lashing out in the only way they know how - temper tantrums.

How sad...   Destroying property, businesses, communities, property values, etc...
None of this is going to help your cause - what ever the cause may be.

Spend time reflecting on what is driving the anger.  When you peel back the onion to the core, I believe you'll find what James is referring to in the passage above.  Humans are flawed creatures. Humans have emotions that, if unchecked by wisdom, will drive destructive behavior.

I just returned from filling up my bird feeder.  It's winter here.  The birds have mentally mapped out where all of the feeders are in the neighborhoods.  They make the rounds to get an easy meal.  In the wilderness, these same birds would be working diligently to overturn leaves and search under sticks for their meals but in the city there's no need.  Humans have set out feeding stations to provide for them.

It's interesting to observe the conflict that erupts when birds arrive at a feeder that is already being used.  Regardless of the fact that there is plenty of food to go around for all for at least a week, birds will squabble and squawk to drive others away.  They will fling the very food they are fighting for at the other birds to drive them away rather than calmly share.  There is intimidation and certain birds will call in groups of the same birds to increase their numbers and drive other birds away.  Then once they have claimed the feeder, internal fighting begins until the numbers dwindle and the cycle begins again.

Jealousy, greed, anger...  then loneliness, isolation, despair.

We want what others have!  But why??  Why do we want it??  God knows our hearts!  He knows what we would do with it if we had it.  He knows that it is best kept away from us until we adjust our hearts.  We must first seek God.  We must ask God to help us understand what His purpose is for us. We must have a servant's heart.  In order to have a servant's heart we must first realize that we have a master.  The master is GOD.

Everything we have comes from GOD!  Everything!!  Until we are willing to bow down before the almighty and give Him praise and thanksgiving, He will not help you.  He loves you and wants what is best for you, but, like a two year old throwing a tantrum, you will not receive it until you gain wisdom of how your actions control your outcomes.

Why do you want it?  Are you going to boast to your buddies about how much better you are now that you have what ever IT is?  Are you going to increase the jealousy, greed and anger in someone else?  Are you going to make them feel less worthy?  What does that say about your heart?  Is that what God does?

What are your evil desires?  How do you bring them to light so you can fix them?  Hmmm....  "Bring them to light..."  That's an interesting saying.  We should bring them to THE Light - the light of Jesus Christ - in prayer.  We should ask Jesus to shine a light on the areas of our inner darkness that is keeping our relationship from sprouting, from taking root and flourishing.  Shine Your light on my heart, oh God, and show me where I need to change.  Unveil the actions, the thoughts, the habits and the emotions that are driving a wedge between us.  Replace this wedge with the cross of Jesus and help me change my heart, Lord.

The first step in any change is identifying the root cause of the problem.  Jesus will help you see the problem as He sees the problem.  He will help you lay out a plan to correct the situation and, through constant and consistent prayer, He will walk you through the issue.  As you change your heart, the desires will change as well.  You will begin to see things as they truly are.  They will cease to be your desires.  They will be replaced with the desires of Jesus:  to love everyone as Jesus does, to provide for everyone as Jesus does, to seek only Jesus who will provide for you... ALWAYS!

The Shepherd