Sunday, January 26, 2014

Proverbs 26 - Day 26

"Lazy people consider themselves smarter than seven wise counselors."
                                                                      Proverbs 26:16

There are several references to lazy people throughout the book of Proverbs.  The reason for this is that laziness was common 3000 years ago and its very common today.  This is just another example of the relevancy of the Bible in today's world even though it is thousands of years old.  Laziness is important to overcome because it causes a downward spiral.  A person doesn't want to do something so they make up an excuse not to do it.  Then they lay around and do nothing.  By not doing anything, their muscles begin to atrophy and it begins to take more energy to do the simplest tasks until the person doesn't want to get up and do anything.  By not getting up they're continuing the cycle until they die.  I know it sounds weird to say some one could die from laziness but if the person is too lazy to get out of bed to get a glass of water they will dehydrate and die in three to five days.  "Laziness Kills"  (maybe we should start a new campaign!)

Lazy people will do anything not to work.  They will make up stories.  They will fake injuries or sickness.  They will make up any excuse to avoid work.  If you enable them to continue down this path, you are helping them kill themselves.  You wouldn't give a drunk a drink or a drug addict more drugs, so you cannot allow the lazy person to lay around anymore.  It takes time to overcome laziness, though.  You cannot conquer it in a day.  The person has to want to go do something, which means they can only be helped by someone that knows the person well enough to know what will get them going.  You have to take small steps at first but you will always end the activity with what we're going to do tomorrow.  You have to get them excited about the next step otherwise it'll be a battle to get them out of bed the next day.  Set concrete, realistic goals.  Take time to figure out the steps needed to reach those goals because one setback will convince the lazy person that there really isn't any sense in continuing.  Pray for strength and persistence.

Find a hobby that will get the person up on their own and continue to ask them how they're doing with reaching their goals.  Of course, the hobby has to be an active hobby and not just playing video games or watching movies.  Hiking, biking, gardening, and photography are hobbies that will get them outside and enjoying the sunshine.  Get them involved in the church as well.  The church always has a need for a couple of extra hands and feet.

The Shepherd

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