Monday, February 3, 2014

Day 3 - Psalms 11-15

Psalm 11:

Many people panic in the face of trouble, but we can trust that God will provide stability for us through His word.  David certainly was forced to flee for safety several times, but he knew that God was ultimately in control.  While David wisely avoided trouble, he did not fearfully run away from troubles.  Faith in God helps us to remain hopeful and resist our fears.  Spending time in the word when things are smooth gives us confidence that God will be there when things get rough.  When the foundations are shaking and you wish you could run away and hide, remember God is still in control.  His power has not diminished one bit.  God does not shield believers from difficult situations, but He tests the righteous and the wicked equally.  For some, God's tests become a refining fire, while for others they become an incinerator for destruction.

Psalm 12:

In today's society as well as in David's era, sincerity and truthfulness are extremely rare.  Many people have not so hidden agendas and are trying to manipulate others in order to get their way.  I am amazed at how many television shows make stars out of liars, cheats, whores, and sluts.  In the meantime, those that watch these shows are being desensitized to this behavior and begin to think that this is the way one MUST act in order fit in.  That may be true but I for one refuse to act that way - I choose to stand out as WEIRD!  Or as God would call it - righteous.  

David certainly face his share of manipulators.  When we feel as though sincerity and truth have left this world, we have one hope - the word of God.  God's word is as pure and flawless as refined silver. So listen carefully when He speaks to you through His word.

Psalm 13:

When the world seems to close in on us, it is such a relief to have a friend that we can talk to about a problem.  A friend helps us regain our perspective.  God is our best friend.  No one knows us better than our creator.  Sometimes though we become impatient because we don't get an immediate answer.  God has His own timeline.  You will get the answer when it's time to act.  It could be that we have allowed something to rise to the top that shouldn't be there.  Or maybe we want something that isn't right for us.  God knows what's best and He will provide an answer - even if the answer is "No, not now."  Trust in His unfailing love for us.  

Psalm 14:

I am constantly amazed at all of the obvious proof of God's existence that is available to those that want to see it.  Yet so many claim that there is no God and look at me weird when I ask them how they could even think that.  I pointed out to a co-worker once that evolution is a lie created by a man who lost his family and was angry with God.  That later in life Charles Darwin admitted that it was all a lie to get back at God, but yet this lie is still taught to our children in schools across the globe.  

God is looking down on us from heaven and trying to find one person that is truly wise.  But our so called "wisest" people have turned their backs on God.  It amazes me that the more scientists unearth some amazing discovery the more it proves what is already found in the Bible.  Scientists say the universe, and all that is in it, was created in a violent process called "The Big Bang."  Christians agree.  Genesis 1:3 "Then God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light."  Sounds like a mighty big bang to me.  

It all depends on what is in your heart.  Are you willing to accept a mighty being is in control and that you are not?  Or is your heart a rebellious heart that says "I don't need you in my life.  I can do it myself."  God is willing to let you choose.  He would like to have a relationship with you but if you don't want one... He'll still be there for you, but you're the one missing out.

Only fools say in their heart "There is no God."

Psalm 15:

As our relationship grows with our creator, we become more interested in living by His standard.  Being able to control our tongue is a good indicator to others that we are a Christian.  Be mindful of the words you use.  Ask God to set a guard in front of your tongue to not allow all of your thoughts to flow out your mouth.  Think first of what you're going to say before saying it.  Do not allow yourself to be drawn into gossip or moral issues.  Don't hang around people that can't control their tongue, their mind, their thoughts.  Put others first.  Help others.  Be different.

What are your thoughts?  Feel free to post your thoughts for discussion.

The Shepherd

Psalms 16-20

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