Sunday, February 9, 2014

Day 9 - Psalms 41-45

Psalm 41:

God is always with us - through the good times and the bad.  As the poem goes, He is either walking beside us or He is carrying us, but either way He is with us.  He gives us His generosity and He expects us to follow His model of caring for the weak, the poor, the elderly and the needy.  He has blessed us and He asks us to give these blessings to others.  When we do, He continues to bless us.  When He sees that we are doing as He asks, He is not only pleased but He gives you more to share with others.  This is the model the world cannot understand.  You cannot out give God.  When you give, He gives you blessings.  When you give more, He multiplies your blessing allowing you to give even more.  Oh, the joys of those who are kind to the poor!

Book Two:
Psalm 42:

As we begin to read the Bible more, we long to know more about God.  We thirst for this knowledge of our creator.  The more we learn, the more we thirst for more knowledge.  At some point we begin reading the Bible every day.  We feel that we need to in order to have enough energy to make it through the day.  There is no longer the question of is God real.  That question was answered long ago.  Now the question is what does the living God want to share with me today.  You will find yourself praying multiple times throughout the day for strength to make it through this situation.  Asking for guidance to say just the right words to help others understand.  Praying for God to light the correct pathway so you can lead your group through this mess we call life.

But everyday you will be taunted by the non-believers;  mocked for being so naive and thick-skulled to believe in an all powerful God when science has proven that He doesn't exist.  I reminded of the scene in "Field of Dreams" where the one guy suddenly sees the players on the field and asks "When did they get here?" when they've been there the whole time.  God is with us always, it's just a matter of whether we see Him or not.  When we believe He is there, we see proof to support that belief.  When we believe He is not there, we see proof to support that as well.  Which proof are you looking for?  It's easy when you start with believing in Him.

Psalm 43:

In the face of discouragement, it is easy to lose hope and lose sight of God.  Our only true hope is in God.  When we feel our emotions starting to turn toward discouragement, it is time to be rejuvenated by spending more time in the word.  Find a quiet spot and spend a few minutes in prayer if you don't have your Bible handy.  Now a days, there's an app for that.

Psalm 44:

The author of this psalm, Korah, seems to think that God has fallen asleep at the wheel.  It's not that he thinks that God is no longer in control.  He tells Him to wake up and help us.  Many times God is building faith in His followers.  Testing us to see how long we will wait before we jump in and take over to do it our way instead of His way.

Here the psalmist is reminding God that He did all of these things for us in the past and we know that you will continue to help us in the future as well as the here and now.

Psalm  45:

This psalm is called the messianic psalm because it prophetically describes the Messiah's future relationship with the church and it's body of believers.  This beautiful section of poetry pictures Christ's bride, the church, with the richest blessings as she unites forever with Him. More details of this union can be found in the book of Revelation.

Please share your thoughts and comments with me.

The Shepherd.

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