Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Day 12 - Psalms 56-60

Psalm 56:

What can mere mortals do to me, indeed?  They cannot strip my name from the Lord's Book of Life or capture my soul from the Lord's grasp.  My purpose in life is to praise Jesus and direct others to the Bible so they may be saved.  I put my trust in the Lord and focus on His works. When He is done with me and my tasks have been completed then He will call me home.

God cares about us and knows everything about us.  This is difficult to understand but He knows us better than we know ourselves.  He knows what brings us the most happiness.  He knows this because He created us.  We don't know ourselves well enough to know what brings us THE MOST happiness.  We can only think back through all of our earthly experiences to see what has brought us the most happiness thus far.  God knows what will fill us to overflowing happiness.  And, He wants to give us that joy.  He only asks that you allow Him to do that.

Won't you ask Him to come into your life today so He can provide you with this happiness?

Psalm 57:

Bible scholars tell us that this psalm was most likely written when David was thinking back to the time when he was hiding out from King Saul in the caves.  Throughout our lives we may encounter situations where strangers, friends or even family members are trying to destroy us.  Continue praise God and seek His guidance.  Do not turn inward to self-pity or turn outward in revenge but instead turn upward to God.  When confronted with attacks, the best defense is simply to be quiet and praise God, realizing that our confidence is in His love and faithfulness.

Psalm 58:

Justice - do you rulers know the meaning of the word?  David starts this psalm with an intense cry for justice and then seems to drive right into the heart of intense revenge.  His words create graphic images of the results of sin on our lives.  The ironic part of this psalm is that David would later occupy the throne and then be subject to the vengeful deeds he called down on others.  We can be grateful that God hears our prayers, but we can also be grateful that He doesn't act on our requests.

Psalm 59:

Someone told me once that the true character of a man is found in what he does when no one is looking.  So many people go through life as if no one is looking.  They'll never know who did that... or  they'll never catch me if I do this...   God sees all.  He is always with us and sees what we do.  We must be careful to fully evaluate the consequences of all of our actions.  We may think that we can steal and not get caught by the police but our actions are recorded for God to judge us with when we die.  We need to make sure we are trying to keep others from sinning as well as trying to keep ourselves from sinning.  Yes, it's very difficult!  But remember the path to heaven is very narrow and traveled by very few.  As Robert Frost said, "and I, - I took the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference."

Psalm 60:

David was fighting Aram to the north and was surrounded by enemy nations.  Israel had Edom to the south, Moab to the east and Philistia to the west.  Although David was surrounded he remembered that God had promised triumph over these nations.  He knew that Israel's future was closely tied to God's reputation of keeping His promises.  Although, David's forces met with stiff resistance, and apparently even a temporary defeat, he continue to praise God and trust that He would hand David a victory.  The closer we get to God the more our enemies will attack us because we threaten their evil and selfish way of living.  

Satan has been given dominion over this world and he does not like it when we trample on his authority.  When we win over people to Christ, we deplete his army.  He focuses his attacks on us to keep us from winning over more of his people.  If you're not feeling his pressures, you may need to take a detailed look at where your allegiances really lie.  If Christianity were to become a crime, and trust me if will be in the near future, would there be enough evidence to convict you.  If not, you may be on the wrong side and not even realize it.

The Shepherd

Psalms 61-65

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