I have several cousins who are not believers in God. I don't use the word "atheists" because they are not opposed to God, they just don't believe in God. They haven't seen enough proof on either side to make a decision. We have very good discussions, but when I reach the point where I feel like I've provided enough proof, there is always a push back.
The other day he posted a Facebook status that basically stated that he didn't understand how people could not believe in evolution when chimpanzees have 95% of the same chromosomes as humans. It's obvious that humans evolved from chimpanzees. I let the conversation go on a bit and, as it usually does, we eventually began to talk about the most recent episode of "The Big Bang Theory." My cousin is also a big fan of this show and somewhat of a car nut. I took the opportunity to talk about one of Sheldon's shirts, you know the one that shows the chimpanzee turning into Neanderthal Man turning into upright Human then into a robot.
I mentioned how fascinating it is that Sheldon believes that eventually machines are going to take over the Earth. If they do ever take over the earth, imagine what they might think if they started finding old remnants of automobiles buried in the dirt. They might start to wonder if this is one of their "prehistoric relatives." Perhaps even start to build a timeline of how they evolved from them. Let say the first car the find is a 2015 Lamborghini. Later they find a 1962 Volkswagen Beetle. They would compare the two and most likely come to the conclusion that these two vehicles are obviously related because they have 95% of the same components in them.
All cars have basically the same components because man created them. But from a futuristic machine's perspective, a machine that rules the world, there wouldn't have been a creator because the machines are all knowing and all powerful and have always been in charge. The machines would build a timeline that would link all machines together in a "machinistic" evolutionary timeline disregarding the fact that the machines couldn't have been first because there was no one to build the first machine. They would come to a point where there timeline would have a question that couldn't be answered... which came first the screwdriver or the screw? Or as the evolutionist humans say, which came first the chicken or the egg?
A Christian would never get bogged down on this question because the answer is obvious. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. He went on to create all of the plants and animals. Now, He could have started with the eggs of all types of animals but who would raise all of the babies and teach them how survive. He obviously started with fully grown animals just like He did with Adam and Eve.
An evolutionist looks right past this because they have their "God doesn't exist" goggles on. When people are looking for supporting evidence for a theory, they tend to look right past the obvious because it doesn't support their theory. It's called a "scotoma." It acts as a screen or a filter that only let's us see or hear what we want to see or hear.
When we become Christians, we have a different scotoma. We know God exists because we interact with Him through prayer on a daily basis. If He doesn't exist then how did all of this come into being. Genesis 1:1 says "In the beginning, God..." and scientists have proven that everything in existence today originated from a very violent explosion but they trip over what exploded. From nothing came something. Genesis 1:3 says "Then God spoke into the darkness and said "Let there be light, and there was light." BOOM - The big bang occurred. It's not a theory. It's in the first paragraph of the Bible. Then He created the oceans and the land and the animals, fish and birds - all living creatures... and then MAN.
We were all created from the same creator, so naturally we have many of the same chromosomes. I believe this is much easier to believe than a pool of DNA peptides mysteriously and magically aligning to create a living being. And oh, by the way, it would have to create two living beings at the same time in order to have the continuation of life. If the likelihood of one living being coming into existence randomly is staggering, think how much more staggering it would be to have two of the same living beings randomly coming into existence at the same time so they could breed and continue with "life."
To me, this is a MUCH LARGER LEAP OF FAITH than believing in the existence of God.
The Shepherd
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