Saturday, November 8, 2014

Following the Owner's Manual

It's been a long time since a product was introduced to the marketplace that required the buyer to actually read and follow the owner's manual.  I honestly am having a difficult time coming up with an example.  I remember when I bought my first car, which was several decades ago, I pulled out the owner's manual and read it cover to cover so that I knew how to properly operate ALL of the functions that the car had to offer, which back then wasn't much.  Today, car's have so much technology built into them that I can picture someone sitting down to read the owner's manual to fully understand how to correctly operate the new technology.

Most of the basics are still the same, though.  Oil goes in one spot and it needs to be of a certain grade.  Fuel goes into another spot and it should be of a certain type.  It's important to understand and follow the manufacturer's recommendations so the car will have a long and productive life.  After all, we are relying on this product to get us to and from our jobs and to take us around this beautiful country.  We want the car to function properly, so we follow what the manufacturer recommends.

We don't typically hear about people providing feedback to the manufacturers about how narrow-minded they are with their oil or fuel choices.  Or how they need to be more inclusive of other peoples ideas of what could be used in place of oil or fuel.  If we want the car to perform best, we follow what the manufacturer recommends.  If I save all of my bacon grease and then decide to pour it into my gas tank as fuel, I really shouldn't be too amazed when my car's engine stops running and leaves me stranded somewhere.  The creator of the car told me to use gasoline and I used bacon grease.  I didn't follow the manufacturer's recommendations and I received a different outcome.

Our creator has provided us with an owner's manual as well.  It's a manual that tells us how to best live our lives.  It's full of history, real-life situations, consequences for not operating within the safe zone, pearls of wisdom to help with daily living, songs to praise the creator who gave us this manual, and a view of what is to come.  Of course, the owner's manual is the Holy Bible.

In His owner's manual, God has given us the definition of marriage to be between one man and one woman.  Does that mean we have to follow it?  NO.  He also gives us free will to choose what ever path we want to take.  He isn't going to force us to follow Him.  He's not that kind of authoritarian ruler.  He allows us to decide if we want to put bacon grease in our gas tank.  However, we shouldn't be surprised when things don't work out as we expected if we don't follow the owner's manual. 

You see, not following the owner's manual is a personal choice that reflects a personal attitude of "I know more than the manufacturer,"  and with cars, that may be true, but we're not talking about cars anymore.  In order for you to know more than God - you would have to BE God.  There are a lot of people out there that think they are God - but here's a news flash - you're not!  Not even close!  Oh, and just so you know, Satan thinks he is more powerful than God, too.  He isn't.  Hmmm.  Here's an interesting point: people that think this way are more aligned with Satan than they are with God.  It's no wonder their lives seem to be spiraling out of control. 

If you want to get more control over your life, perhaps you should read the owner's manual and begin following the creator's advice.  Start operating more within the safe zones instead of following the world's advice. 

The book of Proverbs has a great list of pearls of wisdom to help you with daily life.  Give it a try!
Take the Proverbs Challenge and let me know how it goes.

The Shepherd

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