Sunday, August 3, 2014

Guayaquil, Ecuador - August 3, 2014

Awakened to the sounds of car whistles and car alarms.  That's right - now I remember.  I'm in South America.  Guayaquil, Ecuador to be exact.  

The sounds of Ecuadorian cities are very different from the sounds of other cities in  the world.  The Latin American culture has it's own flair.  It's own rhythm and heartbeat.  The cars are typically equipped with an electronic whistle to help with getting the attention of others.  The drivers use them constantly.  There are approximately 2.3 million people in Guayaquil and THAT is why I always travel with earplugs!

As the sun rises over the city, the details in the architecture of the Guayaquil Cathedral become even more intriguing.  I'll have to venture over there to take a closer look.  I'm staying at the UniPark Hotel which is adjacent to the cathedral and the Iguana Park.  The park has hundreds of large iguanas that are "free ranging".  You can get right up close but you shouldn't touch them.  The bigger ones are easily 1.5 meters long.

It's time for breakfast. 

The Shepherd 

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