Thursday, January 23, 2014

Proverbs 22 - Day 22

"Direct your child onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."
                                                                      Proverbs 22:6

As parents, we want what is best for our children, always.  However, sometimes we need to take the long-term view in order to see the impacts of our short-term decisions.  As our children are developing, parents are training them how to conduct themselves when they get to be adults.  The way the parents respond in situations, the actions they take, the way they spend their free time, the habits they have, the quality time they spend together, every detail is recorded and imprinted on our developing child's mind.  Too many times we think that the child doesn't notice or isn't paying attention only later to find out that they were paying attention and they responded exactly how the parent did in the same situation.

It's very important that we train our children to travel on the right path by getting them involved in a Bible-based church early in life and continue to keep them involved as they grow.  When they have been raised in the word and have experienced God's love at an early age, they are far less likely to be influenced by the world.  They begin to see peer pressure for what it truly is, an attack by Satan to divert them from the path of righteousness.  They also learn how to stand firm in the word of God when these pressures increase and how to take the appropriate actions to remove the pressures. 
Here's a great book to read on correcting our own adult behaviors so we become good role models for our children. 

The Shepherd

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