Sunday, January 19, 2014

Proverbs 19 - Day 19

"Fear of the LORD leads to life, bringing security and protection from harm."
                                                                     Proverbs 19:23

Respect and awe for the Lord leads to a life uncommon.  When we trust that the Lord will provide for us as we need then we begin to take steps in our faith journey.  It gets easier to take those steps after we've taken the first one, but that first step seems like a giant leap.  That first step has kept many people from experiencing the joy that the Lord has for them simply because they cannot work up the trust to step out of the comfort zone into God's arms.  God is standing there, like any father would be as they teach their child to walk, saying, "I'm right here.  I've got you.  You can do this.  Just one step.  Here we go, now.  Ready?"    

That's just it though... we're NOT ready.  We don't ever feel ready.  I haven't had any training for this.  I'm not qualified for this.  If I'm walking then I'm headed somewhere?  Where am I going? What are you going to ask of me?  What if you want me to do something I don't want to do? God is standing there knowing your thoughts and the feelings of your heart, knowing that you're afraid, knowing that you're feeling uncomfortable, and He's asking you to trust Him.  Trust in Him as you take that first step.  The creator of the universe has an incredible journey planned for you.  He knows your hearts wildest desires and He wants to help you get there, but it all starts with a very tiny, but very important, first step.  God knows that your not ready to hit the mission fields on step number one but it's a lot easier to adjust the direction we're traveling in when we're actually moving.  You can't steer a car when it's not rolling.

Once that first step is taken, God can begin to show us how wonderful it is to be walking with Him.  To have Him provide for you, or show His hand at work in something you're working on is amazingly satisfying and rejuvenating.  It's truly amazing how much energy comes back to you when you experience this.  I've seen some spectacular things happen on our short-term mission trips to Ecuador.  I've met some fascinating people.  I've been introduced to new ideas and new ways of doing things.  All of these things have helped me see things differently.  What might have been a roadblock in the past is now just a bump in the road thanks to the added confidence that came with overcoming the obstacles.  

The more you walk with God the more you want to read the Bible.  The more you read the Bible the more you realize the gift that God gave all of us through His son - Jesus Christ.  The more you realize how unworthy we all are of this gift  the more humble you become and the more you want to say "Thank You, Jesus, for taking my sins away and setting me free from the bondage of sin."  The more thankful you become the more you want to walk with God... and so on.  The further you walk the more your relationship with God grows.  God protects us.  He provides for us.  He refreshes and renews our soul.  

But it all starts with that first step.  Are you ready to take that first step?  Let me know if you are.

The Shepherd

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