Romans 8:28

Paul starts this verse by saying: "And we know."  There are so many things in life that we don't know.  We don't know where the economy is going or if we'll still have a job in a few years.  We don't know how our kids will turn out.  We don't even know what we ought to pray for.  But we can "know" these four things:

  1. "God works" -  Even though you can't see Him, He's busy behind the scenes.  He hasn't checked out or moved on. He's ceaseless, tireless, and He never stops working.
  2. "God works for the good" - Not for our comfort, pleasure, or entertainment, but for our ultimate good.  But then again, He is the ultimate good, so would you expect anything less?
  3. "God works for the good of those who love Him" - Behold the benefit of a loving God!  Make His story your story, and your story takes on a happy ending.  Guaranteed!
  4. "God works in ALL things." - God works, not just in a few things, or the good things, or the best things, or the easy things.  He works in ALL things.  
He doesn't make the plan up as He goes along.  The Bible says, "In him we were also chosen... according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will" (Eph 1:11).  The best part is God's plan includes YOU!  So stop fretting, stressing out, and losing sleep.  Turn it over to God and believe that He's working "ALL things" out for your good and His glory.

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