Saturday, December 20, 2014

Missing Our Purpose In Life

While traveling along a gravel mountain pass to a construction site in the Andes Mountains, I spotted a bag of cement that appeared to have fallen off one of the delivery trucks making it's way to the same destination.  We stopped our vehicle to grab the bag of cement thinking we could put it to use, but when I tried to lift the bag it was heavier than I had anticipated.  The bag had been there longer than I had expected and it was already hardened into a useless cement rock.  The bag of cement was created for a specific purpose but it never fulfilled that purpose because the journey was interrupted. The bag of cement didn't make it to its destination and it became hardened by the elements of nature. On the outside it looked perfectly fine but inside was a different story.

Many people are like this bag of cement.  On the outside they appear to be perfectly fine and usable by God to accomplish His will in this world.  However, God doesn't focus on the outside.  He looks much deeper within us to see the contents of our heart.  He sees our true self - our emotions and our true reasons for doing the things that we do.  He sees how pliable our heart really is and how hardened.  He tries to draw near to us but we have allowed the world to shape our heart rather than God.  We have allowed the world's views to sink into our soul instead of filling our soul with God's word.  Over a very short time, the world's view of life hardens us to God's will.  We no longer are able to hear His loving voice asking softly for us to perform certain tasks.

God still loves us though, and as any loving parent would do when their child is in trouble, God reaches out to help us.  Unfortunately, the issue here is the heart has hardened like the concrete bag and is no longer pliable, modifiable, or useful.  It must be transformed.  Fortunately for us, it's never to late to hear the voice of God.  God can soften any heart.  We just have to ask Him to come into our lives.

Our lives become so filled with material things, things that don't matter, and things that distract us from hearing God's word.  If your life seems out of control or stressful, ask yourself if you have made room for God in your life.  Ask God to come into your life and take control - to guide you to the purpose that He has for your life.  There is no greater joy than being properly delivered to the purpose that God has for you.  Your energy levels will be off the charts and there will be an equally satisfying joy in the work that you are doing.  You will feel God's presence like never before.  You will shine bright like a lighthouse in a very dark world.

People will begin to notice that there is something different about you.  They will begin to ask you what your secret is to life, which will open the door for you to share your story with them.  You can bring more people to Jesus Christ by simply telling them about how you were changed and the process will continue across the globe.

Don't wait another minute.  Find your purpose by asking God to come into your life.  He will shine His light on the path that takes you to your destiny.

The Shepherd

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