Monday, January 13, 2014

Proverbs 13 - Day 13

"Those who spare the rod of discipline hate their children.  Those who love their children care enough to discipline them"                         Proverbs 13:24

One of the hardest things a parent must do is discipline their children.  Just to be clear the phrase "the rod of discipline" means spanking the child when they've done something that requires disciplining.  From Proverbs 12 we learned the Bible is the instruction manual for our lives.  The creator gave us this manual so we can take the appropriate actions in order to live a fruitful and fulfilling life.  If we don't follow the manual, then we shouldn't be surprised when strange things start happening.  Disciplining a child is the only way to correct poor behavior.  There must be a negative response to a negative action in order for the brain to keep the body from acting that way again.  Without pain, the brain will forget what happened before.

For example, think back to your childhood when something happened where you experienced pain.  We all have plenty of these moments in our childhood.  Maybe you were cut by something or broke a bone.  Whatever it was, we tend to be able to remember all of the particular details that led up to the painful experience.  I can recount every time I was spanked with the rod of discipline and why.  It's as if the pain we felt chiseled every detail into our brain forever.  Now, tell me the details around the last time someone counted to 3 before putting you in timeout.  What?  You don't remember?  Which approach is more effective?  

Again, just to be clear, I am not referring to beating a child.  The rod of discipline doesn't mean beating a child.  Most of the time an immediate swat across the backside corrects a behavior problem.  When my son and I were playing in the front yard one day he decide to break free from my hand and ran toward the street.  I yelled for him to stop and yelled the word "No" as I was running after him.  I got to him before he entered the street but he needed to learn that when his father says to stop - he should stop.  One quick swat across his back side told him this behavior is unacceptable.   The next thing to do was explain to him what the right action should have been.  We never had another incident where he made a break for the street again.

Discipline is done out of love for the person.  It is probably the greatest responsibility that a parent has when raising their children.  It provides guidance and nurturing to the child.  A lack of discipline makes me question whether the parents love their children.  Without correction, a child does not have an accurate depiction of right and wrong.  They grow up without a strong moral compass.  They actually believe that there are no consequences for their actions.  They don't see a reason to follow rules, laws, or listen to any authority figures.  

Our Lord loves us dearly.  He disciplines us when we don't follow His advice or His plan for our lives.  However, we spend so much time on the wrong path, doing the wrong things and feeling the wrath of His discipline that we've come to know this as "life".  When we are on the right path, things just go very smoothly.  Things happen out of the blue to move you forward in an unexpected way.  Doors open for you that you've never dreamed of.  In looking back, you see the hand of God at work because that's the only way these experiences would ever have happened.

God loves us and He disciplines us.  We love our children and we should discipline them as well.  It will show them that you love them more than anything in the world and it will give them a great understanding of right and wrong.  You'll also be introducing them to consequences and to God's way.  Be strong and do what is right!

The Shepherd

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